miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

70 años de "la mayor explosión de alegría en la Historia de la Humanidad"

El mundo conmemora estos días los 70 años del Día de la Victoria que puso fin a la II Guerra Mundial. No fue sólo el mayor conflicto bélico vivido por la Humanidad, que causó entre 50 y 70 millones de víctimas, sino también un enfrentamiento total entre concepciones antagónicas sobre el ser humano.

Consciente de lo que significaba la victoria aliada, el maestro masón y primer ministro británico Winston Churchill escribió sobre ese día histórico: “La rendición incondicional de nuestros enemigos fue la señal para la mayor explosión de alegría en la historia de la humanidad”. Fue la determinación de dos Maestros Masones la que guió a millones de hombres y mujeres hacia esa victoria.

Frente a la política de apaciguamiento que precedió a la conflagración, el Querido Hermano Winston Churchill siempre alertó sobre el peligro que representaban los valores de la Alemania Nazi. Tras el comienzo de la guerra, en 1939, el Reino Unido supo mantenerse como la única fuerza capaz de resistir en solitario hasta 1941. Ese año, Estados Unidos declaró la guerra a las potencias del Eje dirigido por su Presidente, el Querido Hermano Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

En aquel primer año de esfuerzo conjunto, ambos Maestros Masones firmaron en algún punto del Atlántico a bordo del USS Augusta una declaración de principios en los cuales “descansan sus esperanzas de lograr un porvenir mejor para el mundo”. La Carta del Atlántico, repleta de idealismo, sería incorporada a la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas de 1942.

Fuente: G:.L:. de España.

New French Novel, Translated Into English, About Freemasons

From FFD.

A new book is on the way from two French authors, translated into English, one of whom is a French Freemason.

From PRWeb.com:

In France, Giacometti and Ravenne, said together in one breath, is synonymous with adrenaline-pumping Freemason thrillers/police procedurals that spend months on the top of the charts every time they come out. The authors Eric Giacometti and Jacques Ravenne have written nine to date, sold over 2 million copies of the series in seventeen different languages, and, rumor has it, are currently holed up somewhere in the French countryside working on the next one.
They recently made their debut on the US market with a very successful title called Shadow Ritual, published by Le French Book. Number 1 bestselling author Douglas Preston called the book, "Phenomenal." Kirkus Reviews says the series has "abundant visceral appeal." Reading Reality gave it "Escape Rating A," while Shelf Awareness specifies, “The plot and pacing of a thriller, but the meticulous attention to historical detail sets it apart.”

The series 
 The series focuses on a Paris police detective named Antoine Marcas. This character stemmed from long arguments the two authors, friends since they were teenagers, kept having. Eric Giacometti, a reporter, had investigated corruption scandals linked to Freemasons on the French Riviera, while Jacques Ravenne, as a master mason, couldn’t understand why the media was so fierce in its attacks against freemasonry. He felt it was unfair and simplistic. From these often-heated discussions, they created a Freemason cop who is proud of his ideals and values, but aware of the pitfalls of the brotherhood.
The novels give readers an inside view of the brotherhood’s real codes and rituals, and these are genuine and accurate because Jacques Ravenne is a Freemason. He is also a historian. In Shadow Ritual, the plot was inspired by an incredible, yet true story: that of the French Freemason archives stolen by the Nazis in 1940. In 1945, the Russians recovered them in Germany and sent them to KGB headquarters in Moscow, where they remained until 2000, when they were finally returned to France.
The books are called "esoteric mysteries" for fans of Dan Brown, but they are also for fans of, among others, early Robert Ludlum thrillers, and anyone interested in a good story and history. In Shadow Ritual, readers won’t find a single Templar shield, an Illuminati hood, or a descendant of Jesus. Rather, readers discover the esoteric side of Nazism, and the persecutions against Freemasons in Occupied France, by both Nazis and the Vichy government.
There's a lot of fact mixed in with the fiction, and as a bonus the authors provide exclusive content here, revealing Freemason secrets and more.

What's next 
Encouraged by the initial sales of Shadow Ritual, Le French Book is busy working on translating another book in the series, which is scheduled to come out in English in early 2016. It holds stories of alchemy and information from unpublished documents about the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower that the authors uncovered in the Freemason Library at the Grand Orient of France headquarters in Paris.